As A Friend
by Suz

Disclaimer - MGM/Gekko/Double Secret own them.

A 'Full Circle' episode addition. Spoilers for 'Abyss', 'Prophecy' and 'Full Circle'. Feedback would be appreciated.


She isn't surprised when she sees the vague form hunching over a table in the commissary. With the only source of light coming from the corridor and him sitting in the furthest corner, it's difficult to see any specific features from this distance.

But she knows. Who it is; why he's there.

Walking through the murkiness, she confidently traverses the commissary. Even if she hadn't been able to make out the various tables, she knows the room well enough by now. She knows it well enough to walk, turn, and sit in the chair next to his almost without pause.

Up close now, she'd be able to see his face if he lifted it up. A mug of what smells like coffee - no doubt stone cold coffee by now - is clasped between both hands.

That isn't a surprise either. "You've been here awhile."

He doesn't jerk at her voice, doesn't look up, the same way he didn't do anything when she sat next to him. He simply responds calmly. "Yeah, I told Frank I'd owe him the next artefact we came across if he let me stay-"

She touches his closest hand.

It seems impossible because he wasn't even moving, but it's as if he suddenly froze. One long, silent moment later, he continues talking. He doesn't move away. "I should have told you about Daniel."

She has to admit, if only to herself, when she'd first realised that both he and Teal'c had seen Daniel, she'd felt a little hurt. Well, maybe not hurt. Maybe left out. Which was ridiculous; Daniel had ascended to another plane of existence. She couldn't expect him to turn up and visit her whenever she wanted him to.

And she does understand that he thought it wasn't real, even if not why. "Where did you see him?"

A sigh. Weighty. "Ba'al."

He never talks about Ba'al willingly. Never. The only time he ever has was their previous mission, and even then he went out of his way not to actually mention his name unless it was absolutely necessary.

That'd said more than anything else.

She doesn't know what Daniel did exactly, or what he'd said; the important thing was that he'd been there at all. "I'm glad he was with you."

She never talks about Ba'al, either.

The hand she's touching moves away from the mug. Disappointed she pulls hers away, only to realise she's misunderstood his intention. Instead of pulling away completely he turns his hand over, holding it out palm-up.

He still isn't looking at her.

Trying to see his face, she silently extends her hand back towards his, placing it flat against his palm.

Their fingers fold, slotting between each other.

"He's not dead," She says quietly, needing to prompt something - anything - out of him. "None of them are."

"I know," He replies instantly, nodding in a way that makes her think he doesn't know at all. "I know he's not. But the fact remains that I can't just go through the gate and visit him whenever I want. He's never just going to *be* there again." Pausing, his hand flexes around hers. "It's different than it was with Daniel."

She understands. It's no more or less painful, but the relationship he had with Skaara was far different to his relationship with Daniel. Not only is there the obvious father/son connection, but Charlie's tied up somewhere in the middle of it, too.

And even if he isn't dead, she grieves for Skaara, in her own way. She wishes she'd had the time to know him better. "He's a lot like you," She tells him, because it's the truth. "Brave, passionate...never knows when to shut up."

Yeah, he's definitely been rubbing off on her.

Movement. A grin might have emerged on his face. "Hey, I'm trying to mope here."

"Tough," She responds, squeezing his hand. "You're the one always trying to make people laugh. Now it's my turn."

"You going stand-up?"

"If I have to."

"Because the commissary crowd can be a really tough audience."

Ah ha. "I think I'll do okay,"

He's staring at their hands. "Not that you can't do everything but...why's that?"

She shrugs. "Because there's no one else here. You *are* the crowd."

Nodding, thoughtfully, he finally lifts and turns his head to meet her gaze. The light is still dim but she can see his eyes, the shadows on his face. "In that case," He sighs, his hand warm around hers. "I don't think this crowd ever wants to go home."

It's ridiculous - especially given her age - but she blushes, and it's her turn to look away. "You know...if somehow it still happens one day, I'd like to go to the wedding with you."

"As a friend?" He asks, his voice cautious.

She shifts; leans her head against his shoulder, closes her eyes, and smiles.



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