Cuddle vs Blow
by Suz

Disclaimer - CowLip/Showtime own them, I don't. No infringement, yadda yadda :)

Season one B/J! Rated R for language and sexual situations. This was written as part of the Livejournal Emergency Cuddlefic-a-thon, and was originally posted on greatestjournal while livejournal was down.

Feedback would be great. Yay for the return of our land of plenty! ;D


The kid liked to hug him when they slept.

It was really fucking annoying. They'd enjoy a perfectly good fuck - okay, a fucking amazing fuck given the kid's inexperience - and then shower. They usually got started late so by the time they dried off it was really late, and he'd tell Justin he could spend the night - *if* he stayed on the other side of the bed.

And he never fucking did. Without fail, every single time the kid stayed over, Brian would wake up in the morning with at least one of Justin's arms around him. Sometimes both.


Brian loathed cuddling. Sentimentality always screwed sex up, made things more complicated - life was so much better when it was simple. Fuck. Work. Sleep.

It was a good rhythm; one he'd lived with for a long time.

Justin was still shiny and new, despite the fact that Brian had been fucking him for almost two months now. He was so sure that if he just tried hard enough, he'd get anything he fucking wanted.

Brian was fucking an optimist.

And yeah, it was partly his own fault. He'd had the occasional repeat fucks over the years, but he preferred not to - again, keeping things simple. But Justin was just so fucking enthusiastic and eager to learn and, well, he idolised Brian, which was one hell of an aphrodisiac. Brian had certainly had admirers before; guys who wanted him for more than one fuck. But nothing like Justin. He was relentless.

And, right now, he was fucking cuddling him.


Cracking open his eyelids, Brian peered to the left. Justin was pressed up against Brian's side. Laying mostly on his front, he had one folded leg resting on top of Brian's, an arm flung across Brian's chest, and his head resting on Brian's shoulder.

Brian had the same thoughts he had every morning he woke up this way:

a) That had to be really fucking uncomfortable,

b) He had no idea how he didn't notice any of this shit happening while he was sleeping, and,

c) Why was the hand of the arm Justin was leaning on - which of course, Brian would lose all blood supply to - resting against Justin's back?

Noticing movement, Brian focused back on Justin's face and saw those familiar blue eyes staring back at him.

Justin smiled. "Don't tell me you don't love it," he said quietly, having apparently developed mind-reading skills while he'd been sleeping. "Because I know you do."

Scowling, annoyed that Justin thought he knew him so well; Brian wrenched himself away and out of bed in one sudden movement. Squawking, Justin thudded back onto the bed, and Brian felt distinctly victorious as he strode into the bathroom.

"Brush your teeth," he ordered loudly, approaching the sink. "You have morning breath."

"I do not," Justin argued, padding into the room on bare feet. Well, everything about him was bare. Brian preferred him that way.

"You're not the one who has to smell it," Brian retorted, turning on the water - though he had to stop to wring his hand; fucking pins and needles. Cupping the water with his hands, he splashed it over his face. Feeling a little more awake, he reached for a towel when he felt a hand that could only belong to one person wrapping around his cock (Brian preferred to keep himself bare, too). Turning towards him, Brian asked the completely unnecessary, "What are you doing?" as Justin lowered himself to his knees.

"Scientific experiment," Justin replied calmly, arching his eyebrows in a not-bad impression of Brian himself. "I thought I'd see if a morning breath blowjob feels any different from a normal blowjob."

Justin had certainly given him blowjobs in the morning before, but far be it from Brian to restrain the kid's sense of adventure. Especially if he got a blowjob out of the deal. "Very well," Brian answered in the same tone, still feeling water trickling down his face and on to his chest as Justin got down to business.

So, yeah. Maybe the cuddling thing was annoying.

But as Brian tangled a hand in Justin's hair and closed his eyes, tipping his head back, he figured he could live with it.


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